Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Week 64-August 27, 2019

好久不見! Long time no see!

Hey FamBam! 

Sorry it's been a couple weeks since I've written or video called! Glad I got to talk to you all today 😆 I love you so much and seeing your faces and hearing your voices always lights up my day!
So some notable things of the past few weeks include: typhoon (just a lot of wind and some rain and a lot of video call lessons, but miracle was a baptismal date set over video call!), earthquake (woke up at 5:30 in the morning on the 14th floor to my whole world shaking like crazy, luckily no one was hurt), sand castles, volleyball, and frisbee (got pretty sunburned but had a blast at the beach), mission conference (Sister Joy D. Jones came and spoke to us! The Spirit was tangible), Allison and her sweet mom came to church with us Sunday! (really long time no see ;) ), and MLC (learning just how much I have yet and need to learn!). 

As for our friends, the Lin family is meeting with us again and we are working towards their 9/21 baptismal date! I love them so much! The three kids are so funny and I've missed teaching them for a few weeks! The Huang family is having a lot of health and commandment struggles right now~ keep them in your prayers. Ruby, our young blind friend, is doing great and said this week that she pictures Sister Smith as a fruit because of her smell and I Spanish because of the way I talk? 😆. Our other friend Cindy is super cute and doing well making friends in the ward and has already started going to some YSA activities~ I am so grateful for all the members who have really made an effort to reach out to her! 

It is so sad that Sister Smith goes home in 6 weeks, but we are gonna do our best to work hard so all she can do is sleep on the plane! 😆 

We had to do some preparation for MLC that made me remember a experience I had in the beginning of my mission when I really just needed to know God knew me and was aware of our efforts and I read in the Book of Mormon the beautiful verses about the lilies of the field in 3 Nephi 13:25~34. It's a little long to quote here, but when I read those verses the Spirit really testified to me that Heavenly Father knows and loves each of us and is always aware of our situation. Not only did He answer my question through the Book of Mormon, but also a song I dearly love ❤ God knows I love music and that day He answered my prayer in two ways. I know God loves each of you and as we draw closer to Him, He will run closer to us! 

Anything I can pray for you for?

Have a fantastic week!
Love you all so much!
Sister Jensen 

Random statue that looks like missionaries + Sister Smith
Thanks for the lovely package Mom!❤
Sisters going home this transfer 
Eating these weird ice cream wraps with peanut shavings and cilantro!
Sunset at dinner on the waterfront
Lin family
Mangoes at Enya's house

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She's Home!! Dec. 19, 2019