Sunday, December 2, 2018

Week 25-Nov. 26, 2018

Magical Miracles

Hey fam and friends!

This week!
So much has happened, so many miracles! Last week we had Zone conference with all the Zones in the mission except Hualien! It was so fun! and they fed us a Thanksgiving feast! It was so good! Costco pumpkin pie is DELICIOUS (though nothing can beat moms cooking!)! We talked all about how faith is in our actions, not the results of our actions. Our faith level is not based on the results we see, but rather in the effort we put in each day. Faith is complete trust in God accompanied by action. At Zone conference, we also got flu shots! They were so efficient, I kind of felt like an animal being branded Haha
Last week we also ate with a member at a fancy hot pot place and Elder Lee made me try a bunch of interesting new foods: ducks blood, a cow tendon, clam, a little octopus, like three different types of squid, etc. It was a good thing they also served unlimited Haagen Daazs ice cream. ;) 
Exchanges were a blast! I went with Sister Meeks this time and she is so genuine and loving in everything she does. Its amazing. We also got to do a musical number all together at their friends baptism that night! Sis Hurst played piano and Sis Larsen, Meeks, and I sang Come Thou Fount/If You Could Hie to Kolob (the version from youtube). It was so fun to participate in such a happy event and the Spirit was abundant. Another miracle this week was we had to choose a place to finish some English class planning at the end of the night, and earlier that day I had thought of this member we wanted to visit but we didnt have a chance. But we prayed about where to go and both thought of our usual Starbucks and just thought it was like a default, but on the way there, we ran into the member! What are the odds? We pass SO many people on our bikes in the middle of Taipei every day, but that night we got to run into that member at the perfect time! God's doing for sure.
Another miracle was we sat next to a member we have never met before in Relief Society Sunday and felt like we needed to talk to her the whole time. So after the prayer, we started a conversation and I didnt really understand what she was saying, but she started crying a little and my companion set up a time to meet with her this week. We met up with her at a McDonald's yesterday and she brought us homemade donuts! She told us her whole life story, about her moving to Taiwan for marriage and meeting missionaries and getting baptized in a month, and her husband's sudden death when he was 30, her family in China, her two kids that are being raised by her husband's parents, the church members that kept her on her feet, etc. and we all cried together. We showed a video about Jesus Christ finding the one lost sheep and she was like I am that sheep. The Spirit touched all of our hearts so much in that noisy McDonald's and our table became a special little bubble of love and hope. The Lord answers prayers in so many ways and we felt so honored and humbled that night to be a small answer to her prayers. 
President has been pushing us to work with the youth once a week and one of the pictures is from a ward FHE where we accidentally matched with each other and some of the youth. ;) 
Finally, we got to go to the temple today and it was so amazing! It was an English session, thank goodness, but the names were all Chinese and we did sealings in chinese! So cool!

Scripture of the week: 3 Nephi 4:31
"And it came to pass that they did break forth, all as one, in singing, and praising their God for the great thing which he had done for them, in preserving them from falling into the hands of their enemies" This week Sister Larsen and I have been trying to focus on always being in the attitude of singing and praising our God (which isn't too hard because we are literally humming or singing like 24/7) but it helps us keep smiling!

Love you all so much! 
Have a great week! 
Sister Jensen 

1/2 Temple day!
3 Ward FHE
4 Han fam FHE
5 Octopus I ate :P
6 Lia and Sophia ❤

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