Sunday, March 17, 2019

Week 40-March 11, 2019

Siyuan and Sister Yen! 🌇

Dear fam and friends,
What a week! Full of learning and growth and goals! This week I moved to Siyuan to finish training the sweetest little Taiwanese missionary, Sister Yen. She is from the southern part of Taiwan and is such a sincere, happy, social missionary! She has really helped me practice my Chinese 24/7 though her English is incredible! It was sad leaving all of the dear friends I made in Songshan and all the awesome members there, but I am so excited to make Siyuan my new home and family! The ward here is much smaller than Songshan, but just as full of love! We got to give talks in church on Sunday, so I got a chance to introduce myself, talk about faith as compared to a seed in Alma and bear my testimony that Christ lives and knows each of us. Although my Chinese is still very limited, I felt the Spirit testifying of the truthfulness of what I was saying and that's what's most important. 
Siyuan is even more city than Songshan! The buildings are all high rises, and the traffic is, well, thrilling! ðŸ˜† Our area isn't too big and is nicely mapped so I have been able to start understanding where we are most of the time.

A scripture we shared with a member this week is 3 Nephi 17:10. "And they did all, both they who had been healed and they who were whole, bow down at his feet, and did worship him; and as many as could come for the multitude did kiss his feet, insomuch that they did bathe his feet with their tears." It reminded me how powerful the Atonement of Christ is and regardless of whether or not we feel whole or are in significant need of healing, through Jesus Christ's sacrifice, we can feel immeasurable joy and gratitude to bring us to tears. I am so grateful for my Savior and for the strength His love has given me this past week. 
This morning as we were biking home from the grocery store, a taxi driver rolled down his window and yelled "Hello! Yesu ai ni!" or Jesus loves you! Even though he was chewing binlang (tobacco type drug) and is usually someone we wouldn't try to talk to ðŸ˜†, it was a nice reminder that Jesus does love us and He loves and knows you. Don't forget that beautiful truth! 

Love you all! Keep pressing forward and have an AMAZING week!
Sending hugs and prayers!
Sister Jensen 

Last English class in songshan!
Saying goodbye to Xu family and Cao JM

My cute companion ❤

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She's Home!! Dec. 19, 2019