Sunday, May 5, 2019

Week 47-April 29, 2019

What time is it?! Summertime! ☀️

Hola FamBam!

I apologize for two weeks in a row of High school musical subject lines, but it had to be done.
This week it got so hot, I got a nice ring and watch tan, and had to start carrying an extra water bottle so that when I park my bike in the sun, I can pour water on it when I come back~ otherwise it gets too hot to touch😆
This week we had Zone council and were reminded about the power of the Book of Mormon. It is the tool of the harvest and the net that will catch the elect. It was translated for this very purpose. We definitely needed that reminder and since Zone Council have been trying to use the Book of Mormon in half of our gospel conversations and all of our member visits and lessons. Thus, we got to meet with our deaf and mute friend yesterday and discuss the Book of Mormon, prayer, and church (CPR). She has a lot of concerns about baptism, but we really felt like if she could understand and feel the Spirit through reading the Book of Mormon, her concerns would be resolved. Also, it was a very new experience teaching through text. I am very grateful for technology. 

Scripture of the week: 2 Nephi 4:15
"And upon these I write the things of my soul, and many of the scriptures which are engraven upon the plates of brass. For my soul delighteth in the scriptures, and my heart pondereth them, and writeth them for the learning and the profit of my children."
The Book of Mormon is the word of God and as we ponder its words in our hearts through the day, it can give us hope and peace and bring us closer to God. ❤
I am very grateful for the tender moments that have come through the Book of Mormon that have strengthened my testimony in it and Jesus Christ. 
Invite of the week 😉: Take one of your current problems or concerns, pray about it, then read the Book of Mormon and search for an answer. I know if you are sincere, it will come. 

Have a fantastic week!
Love you all!
Sister Jensen 

Last pday at the botanical gardens with Sister Yen, Pati-on, and Hayden
Pizza by the river
Tiny banana
Member visit with Zhu JM

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